This free online gender discrimination course details the key issues and concepts surrounding gender equality and discrimination in the workplace, through a careful study of societal structures and gender ideologies. This course examines topics including legislation on human rights, collective bargaining in workplaces, cultural roles, wage compression and the gender pay gap, highlighting how conscious and unconscious bias can impact us all.
Train as a data protection officer in this free online course that explains how to protect the integrity of information.
This data protection course takes an in-depth look at the basic skills and information you need to become a trained data protection officer who safeguards the information stored by organizations. We outline the current trends in the field to equip you with the ability to cope with these challenges. In a data-driven world, competent data protection officers are in high demand. Sign up to acquire this valuable skill and advance your career.
Learn how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects data security in this free online training course.
The course takes you through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its important compliance requirements. We explore the principles and laws driving the regulations and lay out your rights and responsibilities before delving into data transfer. We also cover information security, passwords and administrative fines. The GDPR affects web content across the world so this course beefs up your data security and web design portfolio.
In this free online event management course, you will learn about the different aspects of the Event Planning business.
In this free online course, you will study all areas of event planning as a business, including invitations, decorating, marketing, catering, waste disposal and security. Discover how to distinguish between different event types and understand their specific requirements, such as appropriate food, seating, dress codes as well as learn to leverage the power of social media in marketing your events and event planning business.